Group therapy sessions offer a confidential, safe, and supportive environment where participants can share experiences and explore their issues together, under the guidance of a psychologist. These sessions are designed to create a setting where group members can learn from each other, gain support, and develop problem-solving skills. Through interaction with other group members and therapeutic facilitation, participants can gain a better understanding of themselves and foster personal growth. Group therapy provides a space where clients can receive constructive feedback, share different perspectives, and find support and understanding from other group members. The aim of group therapy is to offer a setting where participants can work together to achieve individual therapeutic goals and support each other in the healing and personal development process.
Group therapy is similar to individual therapy in its characteristics but differs in terms of the number of participants. Groups consist of 2 to 6 people with similar symptoms (in group psychotherapy) or participants with common goals (in group counseling). A session lasts approximately 2 hours.